Test Your Twilight Knowledge


1 / 10

Which actor in the 2008 movie "Twilight" also had roles in two Harry Potter films?

2 / 10

Which song from the "Twilight" soundtrack portrays Bella and Edward's love story?

3 / 10

In "Twilight", Bella and her friends go prom dress shopping in what city?

4 / 10

What is the name of the lead male character in the 2008 movie "Twilight"?

5 / 10

Who did Ashley Greene play in the 2008 movie "Twilight"?

6 / 10

In the 2008 film "Twilight", what character nearly hits Bella with his van?

7 / 10

In "Twilight", the main characters are what sort of mythological creatures?

8 / 10

Who directed the 2008 movie "Twilight"?

9 / 10

The lead male character in the 2008 movie "Twilight" is played by which actor?

10 / 10

The 2008 movie "Twilight" is based on a book by what author?


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