Take The Frozen Quiz


1 / 10

Which character in the 2013 animated film "Frozen" is voiced by Idina Menzel?

2 / 10

In the 2013 animated film "Frozen", the trolls can transform into what objects?

3 / 10

In the 2013 animated film "Frozen", Hans is a prince from what kingdom?

4 / 10

At the end of the 2013 film "Frozen", Elsa learned which thing is the key to controlling her powers?

5 / 10

In the 2013 animated film "Frozen", who managed to intercept Hans' attack on Elsa, thus saving her?

6 / 10

Which actress voiced Anna in the 2013 animated film "Frozen"?

7 / 10

Elsa is the crowned queen of what kingdom in the 2013 animated film "Frozen"?

8 / 10

Who took on the task of protecting the kingdom while Anna searched for Elsa in the 2013 film "Frozen"?

9 / 10

Which song in the 2013 animated film "Frozen" is performed by Bulda, Cliff, and the rest of the trolls?

10 / 10

What is the name of the goofy and naive snowman built by Elsa in the 2013 animated film "Frozen"?


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