Try The Divergent Quiz


1 / 10

Who portrayed the character of Tori Wu in the 2014 film "Divergent"?

2 / 10

What is the tagline of the 2014 film "Divergent"?

3 / 10

The 2014 film "Divergent" is based on which author's debut novel of the same name?

4 / 10

In the 2014 film "Divergent", society is divided into how many factions?

5 / 10

Which actor played Peter Hayes in the 2014 film "Divergent"?

6 / 10

In the 2014 film "Divergent", which faction cannot tell a single lie?

7 / 10

In the 2014 film "Divergent", which faction was formed by those who blamed cowardice for society's problems?

8 / 10

Which faction did Caleb Prior choose during the Choosing Ceremony in the 2014 film "Divergent"?

9 / 10

In the 2014 film "Divergent", which faction values the virtue of intelligence and wisdom over any other?

10 / 10

Which faction did Peter transfer from in the 2014 film "Divergent"?


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