Test Your Dessert Knowledge


1 / 10

Which of these vehicles sold the most in the US in 2020?

2 / 10

Which ice cream company produced "Phish Sticks" and "The Vermonster"?

3 / 10

What is Shoe Fly Pie made from?

4 / 10

What three flavors are in "Neapolitan" ice cream?

5 / 10

Which of the following cakes is a type of sponge cake?

6 / 10

Italo Marchiony invented the waffle cup in which year?

7 / 10

What is a popular Mexican dessert covered with caramel?

8 / 10

In the 19th century, what replaced fresh plums in Plum Pudding?

9 / 10

What is the official state pie of Vermont?

10 / 10

What sort of cake is a devil's food cake?


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