Paris Quiz Challenge


1 / 10

What was the oldest bridge in Paris?

2 / 10

What was the world-famous Paris cabaret built in 1889 by Joseph Oller?

3 / 10

About how many miles is it from Paris to New York?

4 / 10

The La Grande Arche is a monument to what?

5 / 10

What building in Paris is also known as "Fiat Tower"?

6 / 10

What are the two colors you will find in the city flag of Paris?

7 / 10

What building houses the office of the Mayor of Paris?

8 / 10

Where in Paris can you find the famous sculpture, "The Thinker"?

9 / 10

Who commissioned the 164-foot Arc de Triomphe in Paris?

10 / 10

What museum in Paris served as a train station until the 1960s?


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